He further adds that it parallels the path chosen by a Ger Tzeddek who chooses to convert to become a member of Klal Yisroel.

The Issur v’Heter explains that this parallels the decision of Klal Yisroel who chose to enter Kedushah in choosing to follow Hashem and His ways. The Chofetz Chaim writes in his Biur Halacha (223:7) that the reason for the obligation is to imbue within the vessel a form of holiness – a kedusha yeseira. The Mitzvah is discussed in a Mishna in the tractate of Avodah Zarah (page 75b). The vessels must be immersed in a Mikvah, sea, lake, or river. The Torah (BaMidbar 31:23) tells us of the obligation of immersing metal utensils whose origin was of non-Jewish ownership or manufacture. What follows is an overview of this important Mitzvah.
#Arloy rebbe free#
It is cleaned with chlorine free shock every week and a half in the winter, and every week or so during the summer. The original design was made by Rabbi Yitzchok Trieger, one of the top Mikveh designers and builders in the country. “I empty and clean it about three times a year, and people do get upset when they see me inside it, but it really does need to a deep cleaning like that,” he continued. “It has become an institution in the Five Towns/Far Rockaway community, and it brings together a wide range of people from all sorts of backgrounds,” remarked Chaim Solomon, who is in charge of cleaning and maintaining the Mikveh.