In thinking about this, I am wondering how they can effectively make a studio using very high end monitors sound the same to me using my headphones? I mean. Will being in an artificially simulated studio space help me to mix better? The jury is still out on that one. Not sure how much of an advantage this is compared to Sonarworks. Like that guy I prefer to mix on open monitors but many times I simply can't because it's late and I don't want to wake anyone, so I'll usually make a mix using Sonarworks for headphones and then compare it to my open monitors for the final mix. Since my headphones are on the supported list I see no need to use Sonarworks. I honestly thought I was buying a reverb when I bought this haha.It isn't bad for the price and for what it is. While the Waves NX system does include some " Eq correction", The Sonarworks would be more comparable to, say, the new Slate headphones (even though the Sonarworks can also be applied to some speakers). Headphones and speakers, being as subjective as they are, will likely show other people that thrive using this, but not me.

I don't find this to be very realistic or something I'll really use. When I got to the studio with my 5.1 set up coming out my Cranesong Avocet tower, it was really good, and comparable to mixing on headphones vs mixing on speakers.Īs for using it to simulate mixing in Abbey Road, or Oceanway, or the music hall section of the Namm convention or whatever.

I worked on a surround mix on a plane once from NY to LA, due to time constraints with NX. This means if you move your head counter clockwise, it will seem like your right ear is in front of the center speaker (in a 5.1 set up for example). This allows you to work in surround environments with headphones on, and I feel this actually has value (latency and other gripes aside). You can also use the clunky face tracking version with a webcam. The NX system actually has a piece of hardware that connects to your headphones and is used for head tracking.